Monday, June 21, 2010

Paloma's Nest.

I love these and will be ordering one for our wedding. They can be customised, which is even better. I think they make ring pillows look tacky! And ring bowls aren't the only thing that you can order from Paloma's Nest...there are some other nice things as well.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I found these engagement shoot photos today on an advertisement link I had followed from the Polka Dot Bride website. I love them! It would be so fun to do, too. They were taken by You Can't Be Serious! who I'm pretty sure are in Brisbane.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

On my (eventual) shopping list.

Along with really cool textiles, I also have a bit of a thing for cool chairs. Probably more so actually. I plan to buy some from or when I finish uni and have the money. Most likely from Matt Blatt.

Replica Emeco 'US Navy' Aluminium Chair. These are in one of the kitchen pictures from a few posts ago...and the Grill'd at Chermside has them. Will need more than one...and I'm not entirely sure what I will use them for yet ;)

Replica Harry Bertoia Side Chair. My highest priority. Will have the black cushion and will possibly be dining chairs (after my DIY upholstered ones die, I get sick of them or I don't want to wait any longer to have these ones). These are on sale at Matt Blatt at the moment and I'm super tempted to buy one.

Top: The Barcelona Chair. Obviously. Designed by Mies Van Der Rohe for the King and Queen of Spain. Low priority, partially due to price.
Bottom: Replica Eames DSW Side Chair. Mine will be white.

P.S. also has the arc floor lamp in SILVER...and with the proper, super heavy base.

P.P.S. Bit random, but I really want to find a picture of Tony Stark's kitchen from Iron Man - I love it.

Bit of a pattern.

These are some bookmarks I had saved on my computer...I think they're a little bit similar (maybe just in their uniqueness?), so figured they can all go in one post. I didn't actually have the third picture  - by Johanna Johnson - bookmarked...that is just stuck in my head becuase the label is a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

This is from the White Owl store on etsy. Lots of similarly cool stuff.

Love, Taza. An online store with some very cool headbands. Found it when some of the profits (or maybe it was all, I can't really remember) were going to the people in Haiti.

Johanna Johnson, a Sydney-based bridal designer.

Can't wait.

Can't wait until I can buy a house and renovate it :) Might be a while away but I can look at pretty, inspiring pictures like these until then. These images are from the Home Beautiful website - I will scan in some super cool pictures from RealLiving magazine when I get past the damn assignments and exam.